Voluntary Enrolment
Employees of Participating Employers that work on a part-time/casual or seasonal basis are not enrolled in The Winnipeg Civic Employees’ Benefits Program until earnings reach a specific threshold. However, these employees may voluntarily join the Program at any time.
If you are a part-time/casual or seasonal employee of one of the Participating Employers, contact your Human Resources department if you would like to voluntarily enroll.
Employees of Participating Employers that self-declare as full-time students will never be automatically enrolled in the Program; although they may still voluntarily join at any time. Contact your employer’s Human Resources department to declare your status as a full-time student, or to enroll in the Program.
Once enrolled, you cannot withdraw from the Program except upon termination of employment.
If you elect to join the Program, you will be required to contribute a percentage of your basic employment earnings (not including overtime) to the Pension Plan on a biweekly basis. These contributions are made by payroll deduction and are used to fund your pension. Your contributions are tax-deductible up to current Canada Revenue Agency limits, which means they will reduce the amount of income tax you pay each year. See the Contributions page for current contribution rates.